コール・ピコロ & IZA ジョイントコンサート '95
1995.1.29. (Sun) 14:30
電気文化会館 ザ・コンサートホール
1 stage (IZA)
Melodian Stories Collection
Pastime with good company (Henry VIII)
A round of three country dances in one (T. Ravenscroft)
Come let us drink (H. Purcell)
Sir Walter (H. Purcell)
Once, twice, thrice I Julia try'd (H. Purcell)
Il estoit une fillette (C. Janequin)
Dame, de qui toute ma joie (G. de Machaut)
Ach Elslein, liebes elselein (L. Senfl)
Insbruck, ich muss dich lassen (H. Isaac)
The Goslings (F. Bridge)
Sweet and low (J. Barnby)
Is love a boy (W. Byrd)
Blow thy horn hunter (W. Cornish)
L'aloutte (C. Janequin)
3 stage (合同演奏) 指揮 水谷 朋子
Early one morning (English folksong)
The sailor and young Nancy (Norfolk folksong)
The three ravens (Traditional ballad)
My sweetheart's like Venus (Welsh folksong)
O waly, waly (Somerset folksong)
Bobby shaftoe (Scottish folksong)